Monday, November 27, 2006

image essay #14

Graffiti has always been my favorite form of artwork, simply because I personally find the media to be one of the hardest, if not the hardest form of media. I like the adrenalin you get as well as the mystery and pleasure. I feel as if street graffiti is the only form of art where you are doing art because you enjoy it, there is no need to make the piece presentable, and it’s nearly limitless as to where you can paint. Gamble is one of the best artists I have ever encountered. I believe he originates in Cincinnati, although I could be wrong. Gamble’s artwork is precise and all around creative. His chose of color is always what first catches my eye; he has a way of making it look so simple like anyone could do it. This piece is a simple two color piece, with the black lettering and the green outline. White is also used, but only as highlight, as it usually is. Graffiti is thought to be done mainly by those in gangs, although the majority of graffiti is actually done by people simply trying to create art or extend some sort of message, whether it be political or something else.


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