Thursday, December 07, 2006

Extra Credit personal essay

I am trying to illustrate the idea that I am being weighed down by the creative things I would prefer to do instead of the things I am obligated to do, i.e. school work, finding a job, etc. I gave myself a stone texture to further stress the idea that I am unable to keep up with these obligations or that I am stuck between what I want to do and what I have to do. I’m reaching for the clock in a metaphorical attempt to give myself more time so I can focus on what I want to do as well as what I need to do i.e. practice guitar, make music, draw, read, etc. The Crow signifies the idea that my creativity is being neglected because, although it is what I want to do and it is what is on my mind, it isn’t getting enough attention because of other obligations. I am bending to my right because it is thought that the right side of the brain that holds one’s creativity. I chose to use a warm color scale to give a feeling of frustration with the situation. The design around the outside of the clock is actually taken from the shadow on the right side of my back, which I suppose could hold significance in someway, but really was just a way of giving the background a sort of texture and a minimal amount of depth. The situation of not being able to keep up with my obligations relates to Alice not being able to keep up with the white rabbit in the story, or how she is always a step behind.

*The birds on my back hold no significance to the piece; they are actual tattoos I have, although I got it to illustrate my personality, or how I hold the idea of freedom (not being restricted in anyway) above anything else. Or if I could be any animal I would be a bird because I am some what obsessed with the idea of flying. Flying free of mechanics, to me, would have to be the most peaceful thing one could ever experience.


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